
One of the most ancient and aristocratic sports is horse racing. Horse racing originally appeared in Great Britain more than 300 years ago and was considered an entertainment show only for members of the royal family. Therefore, until now, these competitions are of a privileged nature: only a select audience is invited there, which is considered “high society”, which includes popular personalities of show business, financial tycoons, politicians, and everyone who is “public persone”. In addition, this is a rather expensive form of entertainment that not everyone can afford. At the races, not only horses compete, but also invited guests who show themselves in the most favorable light, wear the most fashionable outfits and flaunt knowledge of the etiquette of the upper strata of society.

Horse racing is not only a sport that demonstrates the skill of the rider and the ability of horses to race. This is one of the most gambling hobbies where you can both win and lose huge fortunes. In the stands there is an unimaginable hubbub, the horses are racing, blowing up the sod with their hooves, and the heart stops when the horse, on which a large sum is placed, approaches the finish line. For ordinary people who do not have the luxury of seeing this beautiful sight with their own eyes, but who are also characterized by excitement, sweepstakes are set up locally, where information about the horses that won the race is received.

Great Britain, as a country-legislator of horse racing, is rightfully considered the best organizer of this sport. The most spectacular and high-quality performances are held in England. Roya lAscot, which was founded by Queen Anne in the 18th century, is considered one of these events. These races were first held in the English city of Ascot, hence their name. It is almost impossible for mere mortals to get to Royal Ascot, and the powers that be consider themselves flattered to be invited to such a social event. The fame and prestige of these races are also ensured by the fact that the English Queen Elizabeth II invariably visits them.

As befits a true English royal, Elizabeth II is passionate about horses and is well versed in the breeds and qualities of these animals, annually putting her sleek and muscular beauties on the run. Five hectic June days, during which the Royal Ascot races take place, are one of the most important events for the modern “nobility” of all countries of the world. All participants and invitees of this event adhere to certain traditions. Firstly, there is a certain dress code at these races, non-observance of which is a blatant “bad manners”. Men must wear tailcoats and top hats. Ladies compete with each other in terms of luxury and extravagance of outfits, however, without violating certain limits established for the length of the skirts. Secondly, women should wear hats that need to be changed daily. The Women’s Hat Competition is the most famous horse racing tradition that is observed not only at the Royal Ascot races, but also in countries around the world.